Sunday, May 17, 2009

Music Man Live Concert

The concert started when Lee Hom descended from the top.He sang What's Wrong With Rock first.He sang it slow and steadily.Totally different from his album.It was very new to me.

The theme for the concert was marvel comics.Superheroes from Superman to Spiderman and Batman can be seen during the concert.Well there is one very special superhero that cannot be seen in the marvel comics.It is the Music Man.To all the 25000 people in the stadium, Music Man is the only superhero that we bother :p

When Lee Hom transformed into music man.He came out with his weapon- The Bahamut.

the custom made guitar

He sang 30 songs that night.From heartbeat to Long De Chuan Ren to Yi Shou Jian Dan De Ge and etc.When he sang Change Me, he definitely gave us a surprise.At first Xiao Li the drummer appeared.He started playing the drum.Then Xiao Wang and Xiao Hong appeared with their respective instruments.They started playing their instruments.The vocalist Wang Lee Hom appeared shortly and belted out Change Me.Four LEE HOM performing on stage at the same time.This was unbelievable.

The second trick came when he belted out Zai Mei Bian.This song has a part that required rapping.When he was rapping on stage, he walk into a contraption.When the contraption is opened, he is nowhere to be found.Then he appeared in the middle of the stadium.Giving us a surprise.He caught us without realising that he appeared in the middle of the stadium.He sang Gai Shi Ying Xiong when appearing in the middle of the stadium.

I do not know how he vanished from the contraption but when he was rapping on stage, there were two motorbikes caming in and one of the bikes has two people on it.One of them was covered with huge blanket.I supposed the person that got covered was Lee Hom.

He sang Luo Ye Gui Gen with the companion of the violin.My favourite was when Lee Hom played the piano and sang Wo Men De Ge.That was my favourite.He also sang Wei Yi and Ni Bu Zai with the piano.

He did interact with the crowd that night.He spoke to fans from Hong Kong, China, Korea, Indonesia, Singapore , Japan in their native languages.Not forgetting the Malaysian Fans too.

His final song was An Chuan Gan.Then he said goodbye to the audience.Well it is very common to have encores in concert nowadays.The audience wasn't that into it when shouting for encores.Shortly Lee Hom reappeared on stage.He sang Fang Kai Ni De Xin.Suppose to have a standing ovation but was ruined by the audience behind me.They did not stand up cause if I were to stand, I will be blocking them.Then the second encore song was Ai Ni Deng Yu Ai Zi Ji.

Before he sang Kiss Goodbye, he joked a little.He said he loves all his fans.Feel like giving every one of us a kiss but because of the AH1N1 flu, he would sing Kiss Goodbye instead.Then he ended the concert with What's Wrong With Rock! again.This time he sang it the album way.

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